First i would like to say that this actually is theb est 2 in 1 deal you will ever get. We are two real life friends, wich have been looking for a new guild since we migrated here. Both of us are compitive and very dedicated players wich aim to be amount the best on this realm within our own classes. Maybe even Europe, or maybe even the world ?
Anyhow Alamine is finishing his application as we speak. So i will just post mine first
The reason that i am writing English is that it will be less misunderstandings this way, due my dialect is quiet odd.
Char namn: Torgud
Class: Rogue
Spec: Currently specced Mutilate PvP (41/5/25) but will respecc combat daggers (18 51 2) for all raids. Or any other specc you would like me to if you see that a better specc.
Irl name: Per Håkon Haddal Worren
Age: 19
Nationality: Norweagian
I do have a stable internet connection ~ 100 ms.
I also have a mic, know when to keep quiet and when to talk.
I started playing 2 weeks before Tbc came out. Where i hit 60 just a few days before Tbc. Did mc and bwl though =) I have played this character since then. My raid experience pre wotlk is everything in tbc up Illidan in Bt. In Wotlk i have made a few puges through Voa 10 and 25, Naxx 10 and 25 i have done up to The four horsemen. I have alos done OS 10 and 25 man.
The bossencounteri like the best has to be Archimonde in Hyjal. Because its a boss where u can easily see who really masters his class and can put up with constant envieromentel changes(CAN I WRITE THAT ? ) and if you make a mistake you will pay for it
This is a link to my char on armory. Got pvp gear equipped though
Vilken guild är du med i nu och vilka du har varit med i tidigare
Pre-TBC I played in Reborn, situated at Kazzak. Reborn died of unknown reasons, mostly people going casual I believe. After TBC I joined up with some friends and formed Nefr Palydan. The guild eventually went separate ways, and i joined Aether. Aether promised a lot, but failed to keep those promises. I therfore migrated to Storsmcale and joined a guild called Lava. Wich where among the top Eu-guilds at that time. Lava disbanded, due core members going inactive officers stopped playing etc. And i missed Kazzak alot, so i migrated back. Joined up with Pandora's Project wich was one of the best guild on Kazzak, before we disbanded. After that i made my own guild just for the guild chat more or less. Quitted right after s4 ended. And started playing 3 weeks ago. Got 80 in 5 days and geared up as far as i feel i can without beeing in stable PvE guild.
Thats everything worth mentioning i guess. The reason i want to join you is that i would like to be a part of a guild progressing through end game content in Wrath of the lich King. And you seem like a guild where i can attend 3/3 days and still have time for some PvP together with the real life essentials like work, girls and friends =)
Sadly i do not know anyone in Knights of Glory.
What i am offering to you is a player wich always come prepared with Flasks, potion's, high dps. But i do also have jewelcrafting(450) with quiet a few rare recipes and enchanting(450) with most if not all wotlk recipes.
I earn gold through my proffesions, i can easily earn atleast 500 gold in the hour. So gold will never be a problem for me. = )
I will have no problem attending 3/3 days most weeks, however there will be sometimes where i will be working overtime and miss 1 day. But 2/3 days is never gonna be a problem
Char namn Alamine
Klass DK
Spec Frost atm. Men vil respecce de som gjer mest dmg når ej joina pve guild
Irl namn Tore Myklebust
Ålder 18
Vilket land är du ifrån Norge
Har du en stabil internetuppkoppling (upprepat dc leder till -dkp)? Veldig stabil internett.
Ellers er Pcen nesten helt ny og har rundt 80 fps inne i wow
Har du en mikrofon (för Ventrilo)?
Har ventrilo, kan både snakke og holde kjeft
Hur länge har du spelat Har spilt? siden closed beta så har spilt wow så lenge som det har eksistert.
Hur länge har du spelat på denna karaktär? Siden wotlk blei lansert
Vilken raidingerfarenhet du har? Drepte q'thun i retail og halve naxx. I TBC var pvp i main focus og cleara derfor MH i PuG siden jeg ikke hadde pve guild.Naxx 25 opp til 4 horse men og 10 man opp til 4 horsemen i random tradechat pugs
Vilken boss encounter tycker du är den roligaste/tuffaste och varför? Ragnaros =) Sleit så sinnsykt lenge med han i retial før han gikk ned.
Vilken guild är du med i nu och vilka du har varit med i tidigare? Let me put my korv in you. Er min guild atm. Eren venne guild med bare et par IRL venner. Ellers har jeg netopp migrert fra kazzak slik at jeg har ikke hatt tid til å vere med i noen guild enda.
Varför lämnar du din guild? Fordi jeg er klar forstørre utfordringer på PvE siden av spillete
Varför vill du bli medlem i Knights of Glory? Nye venner. Mye loot. (personlinge)Achivements.
Har du någon referens i Knights of Glory? Kansje, hette alamaa i retail. Var lvl 60 druid class officer av den guilden som het symbol da.
Är du beredd att lägga ut 200-300 g per vecka för flasks, pots, repairs och andra consumables som behövs för att raida? ja, farmer herbs selv på broren min sin char
Hur farmar du g: Hovudsaklig daily quests, og jewelcrafting. Pengene renner inn med JC :=)
På vilket sätt tror du att du kommer att bidra till Knights of Glorys guild progress: Er alltid beret for nye encounters og leser taktikker. Leser også mye theory crafting og derfor har jeg den høyste dps som mitt gear tillater.
Knights of Glory raidar i nuläget onsdagar, torsdagar och måndagar, kl 19.15 till ca 23.00 (ca) - kan du delta vid minst 2 fulla raidtillfällen varje vecka? INgen problem. Consumeables som trengs i progress er alltid med.
Torgud and Alamine out ;D