Chararcter infoCharacter name: Roggaro
Class: Priest
Race: Human
Main-Specc: Disc
Off-Specc: Holy
Proffesions: Tailoring (441/450) Alchemy pot mastery (450/450)
Armory Link: Real Life - InfoName: Roger
Age: blir 23 i oktober
Country: Norge
What do you do on dailys basis (Job/School)? arbeidsledig for øyeblikket
In game - Info How long have you been playing WoW? siden bwl kom ut
How long have you been playing your main - character? 140 played
Do you have some other characters we might be intrested of knowing about? Warrior tank, Druid tank og Rogue
Have you been playing some other MMO's? Everquest 2, Final Fantasy online, Age of Conan
What content have you been experiencing through World of Warcraft?Classic wow:alt utenom aq40 og deler av naxx
TBC: kara, ssc, gruul, bt, mh
WOTLK: alt i 10 man utenom nye bossen i voa, yogg, naxx 25 man
Do you have a favorite fight? egentlig ikke
Is there a fight you really dislike? er litt smålei av å banke FL
Guild - relatedWhich guilds have you been in? opprinnelig fra Balnazzar, der var det ikke mange kjente
så flytta jeg til Grim Batol, joina Fac ut Vivas, sånn til jeg fikk i orden apply til ROTS, så forsvant en gjeng av oss og starta opp Sinful Dawn,
men grunnet dårlig progress så ga vi litt sånn opp det og starta på nytt i A New Dawn
Why did you leave your former guilds? Vil raide 25 mans med nordiske spillere
What happend in your last guild? merging av raids med internasjonale guilds osv
Why are you applying to Knights of Glory? Spør Allram
How do you think you will aid Knights of Glory in their way for more glory? jeg kan heale, jeg kan tanke, jeg kan dps.
Are you willing to change your specc for progress if we ask you? Hvis det er relevant i forhold til hva jeg skal specce om til, så ja
Are you willing to reskills your professions if we ask you? nei
Do you have any references in Knights of Glory? Allram, Calaera, er flere og der som har vært i Sinful Dawn osv
Knights of Glory's raiding time is:Which of these days can you attend? Alle dager
Wednsday -
19:00 to 23:00Thursday:
19:00 to 23:00Monday -
19:00 to 23:00Knights of Glory expects you to have flasks (12 flask's a week), gold for repairs, reagents, pots and well fed.
How do farm your gold, so you are able to pay for the weekly cost of raiding with Knights of Glory? jeg mangler 3 professions så har jeg alle, så gold er null problem
Are you willing to spend your whole night on progressing and wiping at just one boss? jepp
Min samboer søker her også, Silentlove, og vi vil gjerne komme inn sammen
Technical - info Do you have Ventrilo 3.0.1? ja
Do you have a microphone? ja
Is you ISP connection stabile? ja
Which addons do you use? se på bildet