Chararcter infoCharacter name: Riska
Class: Rogue
Race: NE
Main-Specc: Assassination
Off-Specc: Combat
Proffesions: Mining (450/450) Engineering (450/450)
Armory Link:In Real Life - InfoName: Larsha
Age: 24
Country: Sweden
What do you do on dailys basis (Job/School)? Elektriker
In game - Info How long have you been playing WoW? 4ish år
How long have you been playing your main - character? ( /played? And when did you create this character?) 26 days, nånting
Do you have some other characters we might be intrested of knowing about? Ganeon Feral tank/resto drood 4/5 t7,5 i feral, Sundestroyer Dk tank, Haart warlock needar naxx gear 100%
Have you been playing some other MMO's? (Yverland wants to know) nope
What content have you been experiencing through World of Warcraft?Classic wow: Onyx, MC
TBC: MH, TK, Kara, SSC allt med KoG
WOTLK: Naxx10/25, OS10/25, EoE10/25, Uld10/25 till freya men kan alla tacs
Do you have a favorite fight? Fortfaraande chess ^^
Is there a fight you really dislike? Flama i Uld, wtf gröngearade kan gå in å lira raids @ 80 nu?
Guild - relatedWhich guilds have you been in? KoG, Defenders Of Sanity, Alliance Brigade
Why did you leave your former guilds? Officers klarade inte av MS loot och kicka ppl som vart offline i 2 timmar så alla andra behövde vänta....
What happend in your last guild? Läs förra, guildet lever fortfarande, men loosa alla mina daggers till en combat rogue!!!!
Why are you applying to Knights of Glory? Vet att allt går rätt till, och det är ett skönt gäng
How do you think you will aid Knights of Glory in their way for more glory? (How can you contribute?) massa 450 works, men annars hoppas man att man kan ge råd/tips till folk av samma klass + bra dps
Are you willing to change your specc for progress if we ask you? Javisst, needar bara en offhand till combat
Are you willing to reskills your professions if we ask you? hmmm, har de flesta redan, men om de skulle needas av nån anledning så visst... Allt för ett bra guild
Do you have any references in Knights of Glory? Lexum, Akaspeedy, Wez... Dom kanske bara vet vem Ganeon var
Knights of Glory's raiding time is:Which of these days can you attend?Wednsday -
19:00 to 23:00 Yes
19:00 to 23:00 Yes (än så länge)
Monday -
19:00 to 23:00 Yes
Knights of Glory expects you to have flasks (12 flask's a week), gold for repairs, reagents, pots and well fed.
How do farm your gold, so you are able to pay for the weekly cost of raiding with Knights of Glory? 4 chars på lvl 80, 24 dailys på varje, 13g+ för varje daily..... mkt cash....
Are you willing to spend your whole night on progressing and wiping at just one boss? Mjo, men jag + andra blir ju alltid lite ofokuserade när man blir trött = jag jobbar
Technical - info Do you have Ventrilo 3.0.1? Yes
Do you have a microphone? Yes
Is you ISP connection stabile? Yes (när det inte åskar... bor på landet)
Which addons do you use? Omen, DBM, Atlas