Chararcter info
Character name:Stratch
Proffesions: Profession 1 (xxx/450) Profession 2 (xxx/450)
Profession 1 :Mining 195/450 Profession 2 : Skinning 450/450
In Real Life - Info
Name: Christian Sandøy
Age: 15
Country: Norway
What do you do on dailys basis (Job/School)? School
In game - Info
How long have you been playing WoW?
3 - 4 years, but with a big break on 1,5 years.
How long have you been playing your main - character? ( /played? And when did you create this character?)
25 days. I dont remember, but it wasnt the first i made.
Do you have some other characters we might be intrested of knowing about?
I have 72 mage under leveling.
Have you been playing some other MMO's? (Yverland wants to know)
Yes Age of Conan, but not anymore.
What content have you been experiencing through World of Warcraft?
Classic wow:
The classic, not much.
I raided some kara, gruul and Magtheridon.
Naxx 10, 25, Onyxia 10, 25 and Toc Hc if counts :p (More hc instances)
Do you have a favorite fight?
Yes, the fight with Kt and Saphireon.
Is there a fight you really dislike?
Yes, Grobulus in naxx.
Guild - related
Which guilds have you been in?
At this server, non. Because i changed server and had to focus more on school so å dint have time for much raiding.
Why did you leave your former guilds?
Badly activity.
What happend in your last guild?
Changed server. Some naxx.
Why are you applying to Knights of Glory?
I've heard that you are searching for a Mele dps shaman.
How do you think you will aid Knights of Glory in their way for more glory? (How can you contribute?)
Go raids, and get gear, also then other people gets gear when we kill the bosses.
Are you willing to change your specc for progress if we ask you?
Yes, I am.
Are you willing to reskills your professions if we ask you?
Yes, I am.
Do you have any references in Knights of Glory?
I were asked if i would like to join the guild by someone i dont remember the name of.
Knights of Glory's raiding time is:
Which of these days can you attend?
Wednsday - 19:00 to 23:00
Thursday: 19:00 to 23:00
Monday - 19:00 to 23:00
I can attend all of em. But maybe some days i cant because of school or something.
Knights of Glory expects you to have flasks (12 flask's a week), gold for repairs, reagents, pots and well fed.
How do farm your gold, so you are able to pay for the weekly cost of raiding with Knights of Glory?
I am farming with skinning, and dailys.
Are you willing to spend your whole night on progressing and wiping at just one boss? '
Yes, I am.
Technical - info
Do you have Ventrilo 3.0.1?
Yes, I have.
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I have.
Is you ISP connection stabile?
Yes, It is.
Which addons do you use?
The usually once : Deadly boss mods, recount..