Chararcter infoCharacter name:[b]Class palladin
[b]Race dwarf
[b]Main-Specc hälst tank men har bätre gear i healing
[b]Proffesions herb å ins. herb (258/450) ins (185/450)
[b]Name: rúfus rl name sebastian asplind arenander
[b]What do you do on dailys basis skolan2 dagar jobbar som kok 3 dagar
[b]How long have you been playing WoW? 2 och ett halft år ungefär
[b]Have you been playing some other MMO's? like all mmorpg
[b]What content have you been experiencing through World of Warcraft?
[b]Classic wow: levling
[b]TBC: karazhan
[b]WOTLK: ulduar naxx etc
[b]Do you have a favorite fight? the dance in naxx
[b]Is there a fight you really dislike? uhm no!
[b]Which guilds have you been in? kompis guilder och lite naxxaramas 10 manna har fixat gearen själv i pugs^^
[b]What happend in your last guild? nothing we are only 11 ppl left^^ inget å vara kvar i
[b]Why are you applying to Knights of Glory? vill bli medlem av en bra guild
[b]Are you willing to change your specc for progress if we ask you? självklart
[b]Are you willing to reskills your professions if we ask you? själv klart
[b]Do you have any references in Knights of Glory? att ni går ulduar:P
[b]Knights of Glory's raiding time is:
[b]Which of these days can you attend? alla dagar och hoppas på att det blir fler dagar^^
Wednsday -
19:00 to 23:00Thursday:
19:00 to 23:00Monday -
19:00 to 23:00[b]Knights of Glory expects you to have flasks (12 flask's a week), gold for repairs, reagents, pots and well fed.
How do farm your gold, so you are able to pay for the weekly cost of raiding with Knights of Glory?
farmar primals och boostar min farsa^^ sen kommer jag inte på ngt mer:P har alltid dom pengar jag behöver:P
[b]Are you willing to spend your whole night on progressing and wiping at just one boss? det skulle vara kul men varför inte lana tillsammans typ en hel vecka? å bara progressa?
[b]Do you have Ventrilo 3.0.1? har alla ventrilo
[b]Do you have a microphone? självklart
[b]Is you ISP connection stabile? funkar dc ngn gång i veckan ^^ pga överbelastning^^
[b]Which addons do you use? DBM pally power omen och lite till
lite om min palladins stats då^^
28294 hp
24889 armor
22.33 dodge
18.88 perry
24.13 block
54.13block med holy shield^^
549 defence
20k mana
25.27 critt
387 haste
245 mp5
168 mp5 while casting
om jag inte kommer med så lycka till
mve sebb§e^^