Chararcter info
Character name: Faelivrin
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Main-Specc: Retribution (5/9/57)
Off-Specc: Retribution (0/19/52)
Proffesions: Enchanter (450/450) - Blacksmith (444/450)
In Real Life - Info
Name: Christopher
Age: 28
Country: Sweden/Sverige
What do you do on dailys basis (Job/School)? Staying home with my son.
In game - Info
How long have you been playing WoW? Since a few months after TBC was launched
How long have you been playing your main - character? 143 days 23 hours. My main is my first character. ( /played? And when did you create this character?)
Do you have some other characters we might be intrested of knowing about? Not really. Have a few eighties on another server, but I don't play them seriously.
Have you been playing some other MMO's? No, not unless MuDs qualify as MMOs. (Yverland wants to know)
What content have you been experiencing through World of Warcraft?
Classic wow: As I wasn't around when Vanilla WoW was happening, none of it (Other than afterwards, of course).
TBC: Cleared Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Magtheridon's Lair, Gruul's Lair, Tempest Keep, SSC (Killed Vashj, but not some of the others), Mount Hyjal and Black Temple. Had a few goes on Kalecgos in Sunwell Plateau, but it didn't work out.
WOTLK: Full clear in Naxx, EoE, OS (Two dragons on 25, but haven't tried any on 10man). Up to Yogg-Saron in Ulduar on 10man, but again, nothing on 25. 2/5 in TotC on 10man and 3/5 on 25.
Do you have a favorite fight? Not really
Is there a fight you really dislike? I'm not super-keen on the Malygos flight-phase, but other than that, not really.
Guild - related
Which guilds have you been in? None on this server.
Why did you leave your former guilds? For various reasons, mostly because of incompatibility with others in them.
What happend in your last guild? The last guild I left was my own. I and a friend started a guild together, everything went fine. Cleared up to Yogg-Saron in like our 2nd or so week, despite only a few of us having been in Ulduar before. Unfortunately this was just when it started getting warmer etc. People stopped playing in favor of being outside and having a proper social life and enjoy the summer, so the guild was put on hold. When I returned 6 weeks later, the guild was more or less dead. The ones who stayed in to play WoW all summer left, and some of the others simply never came back to WoW. So I decided to transfer server, and voilá... here I am. I've been on the server (Grim Batol) about 2 weeks now.
Why are you applying to Knights of Glory? It seems like a somewhat relaxed guild, just the kind I'm looking for. I like to raid, but I don't like to do it 24/7. 3days/week is perfect. Other than that I have to admit I don't know much about you guys. I'm not sure if it's a Swedish guild or what, but the people I've seen so far have been Swedish, so that's a plus.
How do you think you will aid Knights of Glory in their way for more glory? I contribute by doing my very best at all times. To help those around me who require aid. I take raiding seriously, I come on time, repaired, flasked and with food. I don't emo-quit raids and/or complain about others. I understand that raiding 25-man content requires team-work, aswell as patience. Especially on a new encounter.
Are you willing to change your specc for progress if we ask you? I don't have any other gear than for Retri. Furthermore I don't particularly enjoy the other specs, therefor I wouldn't be doing anybody any favor by respeccing either.
Are you willing to reskills your professions if we ask you? While Jewelcrafting is preferred as one of a retri's professions. I never got it on my char due to the fact that my DK-alt has it at 450. Not considering that fact, I already have the optimal set-up for a dps'er.
Do you have any references in Knights of Glory? I do not.
Knights of Glory's raiding time is:
Which of these days can you attend? Unless something comes up at the last minute, most likely all of them.
Wednsday - 19:00 to 23:00
Thursday: 19:00 to 23:00
Monday - 19:00 to 23:00
Knights of Glory expects you to have flasks (12 flask's a week), gold for repairs, reagents, pots and well fed.
How do farm your gold, so you are able to pay for the weekly cost of raiding with Knights of Glory? As I hate farming, and my wife is an auction house-wiz, I don't have any issues with making sure I have enough funds for whatever I'm doing.
Are you willing to spend your whole night on progressing and wiping at just one boss? Of course! I unlike some others enjoy progress-encounters the best.
Technical - info
Do you have Ventrilo 3.0.1? Yes
Do you have a microphone? Yes
Is you ISP connection stabile? Yes
Which addons do you use? DBM, Recount and PallyPower. (No threatmeter due to the fact that threat is never an issue anymore, with a decent tank that is.